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new blood 新血液〔指具有新思想又朝氣蓬勃的人〕。

new caledonia

At first , the president of mstc in shandong university , li jinghui and the manager of msicc , xi cuicui address a tribute in which they review the past and put hope on the new blood 經過主持人的短暫開場白之后,山大微軟學生俱樂部主席李敬慧與微軟高校信息與交流中心網站負責人齊翠翠首先致辭,他們簡單的回顧了俱樂部和網站走過的風雨歷程,更把希望寄托于微軟的新生力量。

When the researchers injected a solution containing the amphiphiles into the corneas of mice ? a standard model for testing new blood - vessel growth ? the amphiphiles formed fibers that then prompted new blood vessels to grow 當研究人員將含有雙性分子的試劑注入老鼠的角膜中時? ?這種方法是檢驗血管生長的標準模式? ?雙性分子結合成了纖維,而后又促使了新血管的增長。

The rapid development of science and technology constantly injects new blood to the measurement technology . at the same time , it also advances new and higher demands to accelerate the developing speed of the measurement technology 科學技術的快速發展為測量技術不斷地注入新的血液,同時也對測量技術提出了新的更高的要求,促使其不斷地向更高的水平發展。

Createdin february 1997 , the european title was created to compliment theintercontinental championship , and bring some new blood to thechampionships in the wwf , with a provision being that the title only bedefended in europe 創建于1997年2月,歐洲職稱創立,以褒揚洲際冠軍并帶來了一些新的血液錦標賽,在世界自然基金會,其中一條規定是,只有標題是捍衛歐洲的

We strongly believe that a larger pool of talent will increase our competitiveness , make hong kong more prosperous , attract more capital and create more jobs . this new blood will turn hong kong into an even more vibrant society 我們深信,更多的高質素人才,會加強香港的競爭力,令經濟更蓬勃,吸引更多資金,創造更多就業機會,令整個社會更具姿彩活力。

The project aims to examine the effectiveness of a new blood donor screening procedure which will discourage high - risk potential donors from donating blood in the hong kong red cross blood transfusion service 這項計劃旨在對甄別捐血人士新程序的成效進行測試,設立新程序是為勸導容易感染愛滋病的人士不要前往香港紅十字會輸血服務中心捐血。

After two months , we exposed the rats ' hearts again and were stunned to see massive growth of new blood vessels from the healthy heart tissue into the implanted biografts [ see illustration on preceding page ] 兩個月后,我們再度打開大鼠胸腔檢視心臟,驚訝地發現,已有大量的新生血管從心臟的健康組織長到移植組織之內(參見上方插圖) 。

During embryogenesis , capillaries develop in the fetus by neovascularization , where endothelial cells arise from progenitor cells ; and angiogenesis , in which new blood vessels sprout from old ones 在胚胎發育期,胎兒通過新血管化過程(其內皮細胞源于祖細胞)和新生血管形成過程(新血管由舊血管芽生而來)生成毛細血管。

The entry of schneider electric in chinese market will inject some new blood to the domestic cabling market , and it is sure to boost the coordinated development of the intelligent cabling market in china 施耐德電氣公司的加入為國內的布線市場注入了一股新鮮的血液,同時它也必將會促使整個智能布線市場更加協調地發展。

In recent recruitment exercises , i am glad that new blood amounting to dozens have joined the various functional departments of the icac . and i am heartened that they are all psychologically prepared for the tough challenges ahead 最近廉署在各部門都增添了一些新力軍,他們都已經有心理準備前面的路是艱辛而充滿挑戰。

This task force will draw inputs from the industry to help develop the most suitable maritime education institutional framework for hong kong and to examine incentives to attract new blood to join the industry 該小組會?集業界的意見,以助制訂最適合香港的航運教育框架,并探討吸引新血加入這個行業的措施。

China , as the fastest developing country , has a great demand for all kinds of resources . renewable resources will definitely add more new blood into our economic development 同時,中國作為發展速度最快的發展中國家,對各種資源有著大量的需求,資源再生利用可以為經濟建設注入更快更多的血液。

Applied to a wound , it stimulated new blood vessels to form creating a pipeline that can nourish the newly implanted scaffold ( chronic sores are often caused by poor circulation ) 將其敷在傷日上可以刺激新血管的形成,以便為新敷的生物繃帶提供營養(皮膚長期腫痛通常是由血液循環不良造成的) 。

Zooming in serving with dedication in recent recruitment exercises , i am glad that new blood amounting to dozens have joined the various functional departments of the icac 最近廉署在各部門都增添了一些新力軍,他們都已經有心理準備前面的路是艱辛而充滿挑戰。

Medicines currently used to treat eye diseases include those designed to stop the growth of new blood vessels and others that protect the fibres of the optic nerve 當前的藥物是用來治療眼病的,可以來阻止新血管和保護視神經纖維組織血管的生長。

A selective non - thermal laser therapy is used to destroy the abnormal new blood vessels without sacrificing or damaging the healthy tissue in the macula 透過選擇性的非熱能激光,醫生在破壞不正常新增血管的同時,避免傷及黃斑區其他健康的細胞。

The greatest success so far has been in stimulating new blood - vessel growth in the heart to treat heart failure or in the limbs to correct faulty circulation 迄今為止最大的成功是刺激新的心血管成長來治療心臟病或糾正其畸形分支的循環系統。

Pdt is a selective non - thermal laser therapy to destroy the abnormal new blood vessels on the retina of patients suffering from cnv 光動力療法是一種選擇性的非傳熱激光治療,能治理及清除患者黃斑區域內的脈絡膜血管增生。

So any protein that dissolves new blood vessels may not be appropriate for younger women who have not be yet entered menopause 因此,對于還未停經的婦女而言,任何足以溶解于新生血管的蛋白質或許都是不適宜的。